How to Get the Most out of Your Flight. Maybe you love to travel by plane, or maybe just the idea makes you clench your teeth in terror, but we bet you didn’t know all of this. It’s time to ask the experts who fly all the time: flight attendants to reveal their secrets and tips on how to make your flight more comfortable and safe.
Take-out Points:
-Before 1930, the crews of airplanes were 100% male, including the pilot, ground crew, and all of the flight attendants. Over a hundred years, the gender roles reversed, and many now see this as a primarily female profession.
-In reality, a flight attendant’s job is to assist the captain by managing the cabin during a flight.
-Airline crews are typically paid by the hour, but only the hours spent in actual flight are paid. A flight doesn’t actually start until the door is closed.
-Experienced flight attendants recommend avoiding falling asleep on take-off, descent, and landing. Not only will you not be attentive during these dangerous parts of the flight, but it can impinge on your comfort.
-Attendants encourage passengers to sleep on night flights, deliberately delaying food service to let people fall asleep.
-Some flight attendants use a trick to get more people to choose the fish: they say that the fish is a “special” from the “chef,” reserved exclusively for this flight.
-Some airlines supply their flight attendants with tasers to deal with passengers who don’t comply. Safety is very important on planes, and they’ve got to be able to control a situation.
-Especially if you’re a nervous flier, you’ll be pleased to know that the back seats tend to be far safer, statistically speaking.
-Flight attendants are trained in first aid and CPR. They can treat small wounds, assess symptoms of common traveler illnesses, and even deliver babies in-flight.
-Never take your shoes off on a plane. Lots of passengers use fold-down tables for all sorts of things: as writing surfaces, pillows (with drool-catching action!), or places to change a baby. Use antibacterial disinfectant, and clean the tray for your own safety. Flight attendants have very little free time during a flight. If you’re thirsty, rather than pressing the call button, consider going up to them to ask for a glass of water.
This video is courtesy of Bright Side